
Pizza topping

Historical facts about pizza

  • The prototype pizza already existed in the kitchens of ancient Greece and Rome, with some dishes served on a slice of bread
  • With respect for the tomatoes imported to Europe, in 1522. the first pizza
  • In the 17th century, people who made pizza for Italian peasants were called “pazzaiolo”
  • Pizza Margarita was named after Margareth of Savoy (first wife of King Humberto of Italy)
  • Pizza came to the USA in the 19th century. at the end of the second half
  • 1957.g. the concept of “semi-pizza” in leather

A little more about pizza toppings

The fillings varied in salt, fat and calories. Italian pizzas are usually filled with tomatoes and Mozarella cheese. The most famous pizza is the Margarita, with its unique topping of a little tomato sauce, Mozarella cheese and fresh basil. The list of Italian pizzas is magnificent; Vegetarian Pizza, Pizza Paperoni, Seafood Pizza, Pizza Mexicana, Spicy Pizza, and many more.

In the eastern part of the United States, stuffing with Mozarella and Ricotta cheeses, olive oil and spices such as fresh basil and garlic is particularly common. Bread with olive oil, salt and a sprig of rosemary, in Rome called Pica Bianca. The Roman style also includes a pizza with figs on the bottom layer, known as Pica E Fichi (pizza with figs).

Pizza dough

Historical facts about pizza:

  • The prototype pizza already existed in the kitchens of ancient Greece and Rome, with some dishes served on a slice of bread
  • With respect for the tomatoes imported to Europe, in 1522. the first pizza
  • In the 17th century, people who made pizza for Italian peasants were called “pazzaiolo”
  • Pizza Margarita was named after Margareth of Savoy (first wife of King Humberto of Italy)
  • Pizza came to the USA in the 19th century. at the end of the second half
  • 1957.g. the concept of “semi-pizza” in leather

A little more about pizza:

20th century. pizza became a nationally renowned dish with various toppings. Its popularity as a dish that is easy to prepare is growing so fast. In South Africa, the pizza size record is set in a Johannesburg supermarket, with a diameter of 37.4 m. The ingredients: 500 kg flour, 800 kg cheese and 900 kg tomato puree.

The pizza was sold at auction for 2,150 paunds for charity.

The English baguette, the French baguette and pizza are closely related.

The pizza can be made at home in the oven or in a toaster oven, with the usual toppings of tomato sauce, cheese and paprika.

French pizza is also available frozen.